Try watching this without laughing
Ett skratt om dagen....
Humor at it's best
''I wasn't that drunk''
''Dude,you threw my hamster saying: ''Pikachu, I choose you!''
"I wasn't that drunk."
"Dude, you were hugging an old man with a beard, screaming: "Dumbledore...You're alive!!!"
"I wasn't that drunk"
"Man, you went to the bowling and started to yell 'Baby Baby baby ooh' "
"I wasn't that drunk"
"Dude,you gave a sock to a midget and yelled 'DOBBY,YOU'RE FREE! "
"I wasn't that drunk"
"Dude,you were in the fireplace screaming 'Diagon Alley!"
"I wasn't that drunk"
"Dude,you were trying to swim in mud and yelling ' I'm in Wonka's chocolate river!"
"I wasn't that drunk"
"Dude,you were just shaking a pineapple saying ' Spongebob! i know your in there!"
"I wasn't that drunk"
"Dude,you were in my car yelling ' Autobots Transform!"
"I wasn't that drunk"
"Dude,you were in the closet yelling ' WHERE THE FUCK IS NARNIA!"
"I wasn't that drunk"
"Dude,you forgot the lyrics to Barbra Streisand"
"I wasn't that drunk"
"Dude,you snapped the wedding ring off my hand and yelled ' My Precious! "
"I wasn't that drunk"
"Dude,you held my cat in the air and sang 'The circle of life'
"I wasn't that drunk"
"Dude, you were in my pool trying to find Nemo!"